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Contact us

Contact us

Consult the list below to help you determine who to contact if you need help. If you do not see a contact for your specific inquiry, please contact Paula Christie or call the main office at 541-737-2081.

Course-related scheduling, classroom changes & additional room requests

Course Registration Questions

Enrollment Limit Adjustments

Undergraduate Advising and Undergraduate Minor Advising

Graduate Student Advising

Graduate Student Issues

Graduate TA Assignments

HR, Personnel, Insurance, Visa, Departmental Recruiting, New Hire Paperwork

Payroll Questions

Department Head's Schedule

Promotion and Tenure

Grant & Finance Related Services

Seminar Scheduling, Web Page Updates and Additions

Reserving Department Rooms

LPSC Key Requests

Gilbert/GBAD/ALS Key Requests

After-Hours Permits

Departmental Purchases

Chemistry Stores

Travel Arrangements and Travel, Moving & Other Reimbursements

Building Maintenance and Renovations - Gilbert Hall & LPSC

Building Maintenance and Renovations - Gilbert Addition

Safety Committee - Gilbert Hall & LPSC

Safety Committee - Gilbert Addition

The following is a breakdown of job duties assigned by office staff member to help determine who to contact:

Paula Christie

Assistant to Department Head/Office Manager

  • Payroll Questions
  • HR Questions
  • Health Insurance Questions
  • Visa Questions
  • Promotion and Tenure Questions
  • "I don't know who to ask" Questions

Mak Ashton

ECampus/Undergraduate Coordinator

  • ECampus Student Support

  • Undergraduate questions (not including advising)
  • Course issues questions (enrollment, registration, etc)

Tara Stacy

Graduate Coordinator

  • Graduate Student Questions (not including advising)

Luanne Johnson

Media and Event Coordinator

  • Website updates
  • Departmental Marketing (i.e. Newsletter, Social Media, Video Creation, etc)
  • Departmental Photography
  • Event Coordination (seminars, meetings, special events, etc)

Student Workers

  • Any and All Leftover Duties As Assigned
  • Filing
  • Copying
  • Scanning
  • Archiving
  • Cleaning
  • Etc.

If you're still unsure who to contact regarding your inquiry, please contact Paula Christie (