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Two lemurs sit closely together on a tree branch, surveying their environment

Extending the reach and impact of science through signature research and innovation

College of Science researchers received $18.5 million in research grants to support groundbreaking science between July 2023 and June 2024.

Alumni awards
Alumni and Friends

Alumni Awards celebrates exceptional achievements

The College of Science community recently gathered to celebrate this year’s Alumni Award recipients. These alumni distinguished themselves through their groundbreaking research, strong leadership and efforts to enhance equity, access and inclusion.

Graduated beakers with colorful liquid in them

Graduate students and alumni snag top NSF fellowships

Two College of Science first-year Ph.D. students have been selected for the prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP) in 2022. They are among five Oregon State University students to receive the award this year.

Underwater coral reef landscape background in the blue sea with fish and marine life.

Innovation grants to build model reef at OSU, catalyze biological and materials research

College of Science Research and Innovation Seed (SciRIS) awards fund projects based on collaborative research within the College of Science community and beyond.

Thomas Sharpton with colleague looking at samples in lab

From scientific ideas to innovative solutions in the marketplace

The College of Science launches Innovation Days, a series of workshops for faculty to spur innovation and entrepreneurship.

cell icon above light texture
Faculty and Staff

Recognizing research and administrative excellence

Congratulations to these science faculty and administrators who received 2018 Faculty and Staff Awards for administrative and research excellence!

Pelican sitting on rock in front of ocean

SURE Science students spend summer researching oceans, new planets and human health

Thirty-one SURE Science students spent their summers immersed in the beauty and drama of science.

coral at bottom floor of shallow ocean

Marine science student carries on Wei Family Foundation founder's love of travel

Half a world away in Australia, Milan Sengthep, a Wei Family Foundation Scholar, studied with world-renowned marine scientists at James Cook University.

Gisela Abigail Gonzalez-Montiel in front of white backdrop
Graduate students

Four Ph.D. students awarded ARCS Foundation scholarships

Four doctoral students in the College of Science are among the 27 scientists and engineers selected as 2016 ARCS Foundation Scholars by the Portland chapter.

children checking out booths led by college students

Discovery Days is here!

On November 2 and 3, 1500 K-12 students gather for Discovery Days on campus.

ocean wave forming
Biomedical Science

From ocean to human health

An interdisciplinary research team receives a 3-year NSF grant for $583K to study animal-microbe interactions to expand our understanding of the immune system's evolution.